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Independent vs. managed trading


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As the most basic decision once you've decided to trade, self-directed trading and managed accounts each have their own benefits and drawbacks. Managed accounts isn't just going along for the ride, and independent trading is more than just headaches and losses. See what you might be missing. Let's say your roof is leaking, not terribly but enough that puddles are gathering on the floor. There are several ways to fix it. Even with no roofing experience, you can patch the area. You might do a good enough job to stop the drip, but it's likely it won't hold. You also can watch "This Old House" episodes to see how professionals do it. It will take you a little longer, but the patch will be solid and hopefully keep the leak from returning. You can call your neighbor, who happens to be a roofer, to give you a hand. Of course, being the neighbor that he is, he won't do the work for you but will give you some good advice. You may not do everything he says, but you do as well as you can with what he tells you.
机译:一旦决定交易,作为最基本的决定,自控交易和托管账户各有其优缺点。托管账户不仅是顺风顺水,而且独立交易不仅仅是头痛和损失。查看您可能缺少的内容。假设您的屋顶漏水,不是很严重,而是足以使水坑聚集在地板上。有几种解决方法。即使没有屋顶经验,您也可以修补该区域。您可能做得很好,可以阻止滴漏,但很可能无法解决。您还可以观看“ This Old House”的剧集,以了解专业人士的做法。这将使您花费更长的时间,但是补丁会很牢固,并希望防止泄漏再次出现。您可以打电话给碰巧是屋顶工的邻居帮忙。当然,作为他的邻居,他不会为您完成工作,但会为您提供一些建议。您可能不会做他所说的一切,但是您会尽他所能告诉您的。



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