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Enron's end game


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Everything's bigger in Texas, including the debacles. When the world's largest energy trading group, Enron, deposed Texaco as the world's largest bankruptcy in December, shock waves rippled out from the epicenter in Houston through exchanges in New York and overseas. How the futures exchanges and clearinghouses respond will impact traders around the world. Out of every adversity, it is said, comes the seed of an equal or greater benefit. If so, the demise of formerly high-flying trading and logistics giant Enron has left a fertile field indeed―especially if you're a regulated exchange or clearinghouse, or someone who trades on one. "Every major energy exchange in the world set new volume records the weeks before Enron went bankrupt (on Dec. 2)," says Martin Suuessman, an electricity trader with regional German provider Energie Baden-Wurttemberg (EnBW). "It's difficult to pin that all on Enron, but I'm sure some German players who were nervous about their exposure shifted positions to the European Energy Exchange (EEX), where they have the clearinghouse as a central counterparty."
机译:得克萨斯州包括崩溃在内的所有事情都变得更大。当全球最大的能源贸易集团安然公司(Enron)在12月将德士古(Texaco)推翻为全球最大的破产案时,休斯敦震中的震荡波涛汹涌,通过纽约和海外的交易所产生。期货交易所和清算所如何应对将影响世界各地的交易者。据说,在每一次逆境中,都有同等或更大利益的种子。如果是这样的话,那么以前飞速发展的贸易和物流巨头安然的消亡确实留下了一块肥沃的土地,尤其是如果您是一家受监管的交易所或票据交换所,或从事某项交易的人。 “世界上每一个主要的能源交易所都在安然破产前的几周(12月2日)创造了新的交易量记录,”德国区域供应商Energie Baden-Wurttemberg(EnBW)的电力交易商Martin Suuessman说。 “很难将所有这些都固定在安然上,但是我敢肯定,一些对自己的投资感到担心的德国球员将头寸转移到了欧洲能源交易所(EEX),在那里他们以票据交换所为中央对手。”



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