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Jean Francois Theodore: The ground breaker

机译:让·弗朗索瓦·西奥多(Jean Francois Theodore):

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Jean Francois Theodore, the current deputy chief executive officer of NYSE Euronext, could have been just a brilliant civil servant in the French administration. But his first love for history and geography, and his early professional experience with-state companies in the French Treasury, turned this unassuming Frenchman into a global visionary. "Studying history and geography does not really pave the way to professional success, not even to a real job sometimes," he quips. "But modern history gives you a good insight to what economy and markets are all about." His moves in the financial realm were truly historical ones, first as chairman and CEO of the French stock exchange, Paris Borse, and later as CEO and chairman of the managing board of Euronext, the pan-European exchange. Though he was first the head of a cash equity exchange, Theodore grew familiar with derivatives, as the Borse gained control over the French options market, the Monep, and the French futures market, the Matif, in the 1990s. The Frenchman realized early on that electronic trading was a critical ingredient of success if European markets were to operate as networks.
机译:纽约泛欧交易所集团现任副首席执行官让·弗朗西斯·西奥多(Jean Francois Theodore)可能只是法国政府的一位出色公务员。但是,他对历史和地理的初恋,以及他在法国财政部与国有公司的早期专业经验,使这位谦虚的法国人变成了全球视野。他打趣道:“研究历史和地理并没有真正为职业成功铺平道路,有时甚至没有为真正的工作铺平道路。” “但是现代历史让您对经济和市场的本质有了很好的了解。”他在金融领域的举动是真正的历史性举措,首先是担任法国证券交易所Paris Borse的董事长兼首席执行官,然后又担任泛欧交易所泛欧交易所的首席执行官兼董事会主席。尽管西奥多最初是现金股票交易所的负责人,但在1990年代,随着Borse获得对法国期权市场Monep和法国期货市场Matif的控制权,西奥多开始逐渐熟悉衍生工具。法国人很早就意识到,如果欧洲市场要作为网络来运作,电子交易是成功的关键因素。



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