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Monte Carlo grid for financial risk management


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Due to reduced profitability, increased price competition, and strengthened regulation, financial institutions in all countries are now upgrading their financial analytics based on Monte Carlo simulation. In this article, we propose three key technologies, i.e., data protection, integrity, and deadline scheduling, which are indispensable to build a secure PC-grid for financial risk Management. We constructed a PC-grid by scavenging unused CPU cycles of about 50 PCs under real office environment, and obtained the 80 times speed-up, namely, for 100,000 Monte Carlo scenarios, 95 h computation on a single server is reduced to 70 min. Finally, we discuss future research directions.
机译:由于盈利能力下降,价格竞争加剧以及监管加强,所有国家/地区的金融机构现在都在基于Monte Carlo模拟的基础上升级其财务分析。在本文中,我们提出了三种关键技术,即数据保护,完整性和期限调度,这对于构建用于财务风险管理的安全PC网格是必不可少的。我们通过清除实际办公环境中约50台PC的未使用CPU周期来构建PC网格,并获得了80倍的提速,即在100,000蒙特卡洛场景中,将在一台服务器上的95 h计算减少到70 min。最后,我们讨论了未来的研究方向。



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