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JOIN: The implementation of a Java-based massively parallel grid


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This paper presents JOIN, a Java-based software platform to construct massively parallel grids capable of executing large parallel applications. The system is designed to be scalable by allowing computers in the grid to be separated in independent sets (called groups) which are managed independently and collaborate using a logical interconnection topology. JOIN provides advanced fault tolerance capabilities that allow it to withstand failures both in computers executing parallel tasks and in computers managing the groups. The parallel applications executing in the system are formally specified using a rigorously defined application model. JOIN uses a dynamic, flexible scheduling algorithm that adapts to changes in resource availability and replicates parallel tasks for fault tolerance. The platform provides an authentication/access control mechanism based on roles which is embedded in the inner parts of the system. The software architecture is based on the concept of services, which are independent pieces of software that can be combined in several ways, providing the flexibility needed to adapt to particular environments. JOIN has been successfully used to implement and execute several parallel applications, such as DNA sequencing, Monte Carlo simulations and a version of the Traveling Salesman Problem.
机译:本文介绍了JOIN,这是一个基于Java的软件平台,用于构建能够执行大型并行应用程序的大规模并行网格。通过允许将网格中的计算机划分为独立的集合(称为组)来对系统进行扩展,这些独立的集合(称为组)可以独立管理并使用逻辑互连拓扑进行协作。 JOIN提供了高级的容错功能,使其可以在执行并行任务的计算机和管理组的计算机中承受故障。使用严格定义的应用程序模型来正式指定在系统中执行的并行应用程序。 JOIN使用动态,灵活的调度算法来适应资源可用性的变化,并复制并行任务以实现容错。该平台提供了基于角色的身份验证/访问控制机制,该机制嵌入在系统内部。软件体系结构基于服务的概念,服务是独立的软件,可以通过几种方式进行组合,从而提供了适应特定环境所需的灵活性。 JOIN已成功用于实现和执行多个并行应用程序,例如DNA测序,蒙特卡洛模拟和Traveling Salesman Problem版本。



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