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COHESION - A microkernel based Desktop Grid platform for irregular task-parallel applications


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We present Cohesion, a novel approach to Desktop Grid Computing. A major design goal of Cohesion is to enable advanced parallel programming models and application specific frameworks. We focus on methods for irregularly structured task-parallel problems, which require fully dynamic problem decomposition. Cohesion overcomes limitations of classical Desktop Grid platforms by employing peer-to-peer principles and a flexible system architecture based on a microkernel approach. Arbitrary modules can be dynamically loaded to replace default functionality, resulting in a platform that can easily adapt to application specific requirements. We discuss two representative example applications and report on the results of performance experiments that especially consider the high volatility of resources prevailing in a Desktop Grid.
机译:我们介绍了凝聚力,一种用于桌面网格计算的新颖方法。 Cohesion的主要设计目标是实现高级并行编程模型和特定于应用程序的框架。我们关注于结构不规则的任务并行问题的方法,这些方法需要完全动态的问题分解。通过采用对等原则和基于微内核方法的灵活系统架构,Cohesion克服了传统Desktop Grid平台的局限性。可以动态加载任意模块以替换默认功能,从而形成一个可以轻松适应特定应用需求的平台。我们讨论了两个代表性的示例应用程序,并报告了性能实验的结果,这些结果特别考虑了桌面网格中盛行的资源的高度波动性。



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