首页> 外文期刊>Foundations of computing and decision sciences >E-ETL: Framework for Managing Evolving ETL Workflows

E-ETL: Framework for Managing Evolving ETL Workflows


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Data warehouses integrate external data sources (EDSs), which very often change their data structures (schemas). In many cases, such changes cause an erroneous execution of an already deployed ETL workflow. Structural changes of EDSs are frequent, therefore an automatic reparation of an ETL workflow, after such changes, is of a high importance. This paper presents a framework, called E-ETL, for handling the evolution of an ETL layer. Detection of changes in EDSs causes a reparation of the fragment of ETL workflow which interacts with the changed EDSs. The proposed framework was developed as a module external to a standard commercial or open-source ETL engine, accessing the engine by means of API. The innovation of this framework consists in: (1) the algorithms for semi-automatic reparation of an ETL workflow and (2) its ability to interact with various ETL engines that provide API.
机译:数据仓库集成了外部数据源(EDS),这些数据源经常更改其数据结构(方案)。在许多情况下,此类更改会导致错误执行已部署的ETL工作流程。 EDS的结构更改很频繁,因此,在此类更改之后,对ETL工作流程进行自动修复非常重要。本文提出了一个称为E-ETL的框架,用于处理ETL层的演变。检测到EDS中的更改会导致ETL工作流程片段的修复,该片段与更改后的EDS交互。拟议的框架是作为标准商业或开源ETL引擎外部的模块开发的,可通过API来访问该引擎。该框架的创新之处在于:(1)ETL工作流程的半自动修复算法,以及(2)与提供API的各种ETL引擎进行交互的能力。



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