首页> 外文期刊>Forest Science >Asymmetric Day/Night Tght Temperature Elevation: Growth lmplications for Yellow-Poplar and Loblolly Pine Using Simulation Modeling

Asymmetric Day/Night Tght Temperature Elevation: Growth lmplications for Yellow-Poplar and Loblolly Pine Using Simulation Modeling


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Using the TREGRO simulation model we examined the relative impact of asymmetric and symmetric elevations of dayight temperatures on 3 yr biomass gain of yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Temperature elevation scenarios used were: (1) an asymmetric 0.3 deg C/0.9 deg C increase in dayight temperature (T + 0.3/0.9) as observed since the turn of the century; (2) a symmetric 4 deg C elevation during both day and night periods (T + 4) as predicted by general circulation models; and (3) an asymmetric 2 deg C elevation of dayight temperature (T + 2/6).
机译:使用TREGRO模拟模型,我们研究了日/夜温度的不对称和对称升高对黄杨树(Liriodendron tulipifera L.)和火炬松(Pinus taeda L.)3年生物量增长的相对影响。使用的温度升高方案是:(1)自世纪之交以来观察到的昼夜温度(T + 0.3 / 0.9)的不对称0.3摄氏度/0.9摄氏度升高; (2)如一般循环模型所预测的,白天和黑夜(T + 4)都对称地升高了4摄氏度; (3)日/夜温度(T + 2/6)的不对称2摄氏度升高。



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