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In the Coming Gulf War, President Bush Must Follow the Golden Rules


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As president bush is about to embark on gulf war II, it is well to remind him of the golden rules of military action. They are fourfold, and I advise him to place a summary of them in a prominent position on his desk. 1. The will to win. This is the most important quality required of a statesman waging war. It embraces all the other martial virtues, including courage. It is what John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson conspicuously lacked in their on-again, off-again war in Vietnam. It is what Winston Churchill in 1940 and Margaret Thatcher in the Falklands War conspicuously possessed. Mr. Bush must ask himself now, before it is too late: Have I the will to go forward in Iraq, without allies if need be, whatever the cost, however great the difficulties, until I have secured my objective―to replace Saddam Hussein's regime with a democratic, peaceful one? If the answer is yes, and I think it is, we need have no fear.
机译:布什总统即将进行第二次海湾战争时,很高兴让他想起军事行动的黄金法则。它们是四重的,我建议他在他的办公桌上的显眼位置放上这些摘要。 1.胜利的意志。这是政治家发动战争所需的最重要素质。它包含了其他所有的军事美德,包括勇气。这就是约翰·F·肯尼迪和林登·约翰逊在越南不断进行的,反复进行的战争中明显缺乏的东西。这就是1940年的温斯顿·丘吉尔和福克兰群岛战争中的玛格丽特·撒切尔所拥有的。布什先生现在必须问自己,在为时已晚之前:我是否愿意在没有盟友的情况下在伊拉克前进,无论付出多少代价,无论付出多少代价,无论多么艰难,直到我确定我的目标-取代萨达姆·侯赛因一个民主,和平的政权?如果答案是肯定的,我认为是的,我们就不必担心。



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