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Entire Dreamliner family United with delivery of 787-10


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United Airlines has received its initial Boeing 787-10, making the Chicago carrier the first operator of all three Dream-liner variants and the first to take the largest model in the Americas. Boeing handed over the aircraft (N14001) at its North Charleston assembly line in South Carolina on 5 November. "The 787-10 is an excellent addition to United's fleet," says Gerry Laderman, the carrier's chief financial officer. "It offers superior fuel efficiency while providing a more comfortable customer experience on board." United will debut the 787-10 - which it configures with 318 seats, including 44 updated Polaris business-class seats and 21 in the premium-economy cabin - on flights between Newark and Los Angeles on 7 January 2019. The aircraft will begin flying the Newark-San Francisco route on 14 February.
机译:联合航空已收到首架波音787-10飞机,这家芝加哥航空公司成为这三种Dream-liner变体的首家运营商,也是首家采用美洲最大机型的航空公司。波音公司于11月5日在南卡罗来纳州的北查尔斯顿装配线移交了这架飞机(N14001)。 “ 787-10是美联航机队的绝妙补充,”航母首席财务官格里·拉德曼(Gerry Laderman)说。 ““它在提供卓越的燃油效率的同时,还提供了更舒适的乘车体验。”美联航将首次亮相787-10,它将配置318个座位,其中包括44个经更新的Polaris商务舱座位和21个高级经济舱。 -2019年1月7日在纽瓦克和洛杉矶之间的航班上。这架飞机将于2月14日开始飞行纽瓦克-旧金山航线。



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