首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Science >Vertical behavior of juvenile yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in the southwestern part of Japan based on archival tagging

Vertical behavior of juvenile yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in the southwestern part of Japan based on archival tagging


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The behavior of juvenile yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in southwestern Japan was investigated using archival tag data from five fish (fork length 52.5–92 cm, days at liberty 26–280 days) released near the Nansei Islands (24–29°N, 122–130°E). Vertical behavior was classified into three patterns: “shallow” (≥50 % of daytime hours at depth of <50 m), “deep” (≥50 % of daytime hours at ≥100 m), and “intermediate” (other than “shallow” or “deep”). The pooled proportion of the number of days of each behavior was 29, 25 and 46 %, respectively. The proportion of “shallow” behavior increased with fish size. The proportion of time spent near the surface at nighttime increased in the colder season, when the thermal gradient was relatively small. Surface-oriented behavior (fish remained at a depth of <10 m for more than 10 min) occurred mainly during nighttime and between November and January. Dives exceeding 500 m were occasionally observed (0.02 day−1), and one fish dived to 1230 m. The results of our study show that yellowfin tuna were typically distributed in the mixed layer or upper thermocline where the water temperature was close to the sea surface temperature and that the vertical behavior was variable.
机译:使用来自南塞群岛(24-29°N,122-220)附近释放的5条鱼(叉长52.5-92 cm,自由日26-280天)的档案标签数据,调查了日本西南部的黄鳍金枪鱼幼体金枪鱼的行为。 130°E)。垂直行为分为三种模式:“浅”(在<50m深度处≥50%的白天时间),“深”(在≥100m处≥50%的白天时间)和“中级”(“浅”或“深”)。每种行为的天数的总比例分别为29%,25%和46%。 “浅”行为的比例随着鱼的大小而增加。在较冷的季节,当温度梯度相对较小时,夜间在地面附近度过的时间比例会增加。面向表面的行为(鱼在<10 m的深度停留超过10分钟)主要发生在夜间以及11月至1月之间。偶尔会观察到超过500 m的潜水深度(0.02天-1),其中一条鱼潜水到1230 m。我们的研究结果表明,黄鳍金枪鱼通常分布在水温接近海表温度且垂直行为可变的混合层或上层高温跃层中。



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