首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Science >GnRHa-induced spawning of wild-caught jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus

GnRHa-induced spawning of wild-caught jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus


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The jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus is a key commercially exploited fish species in Japan. The rearing experiment often provides information that is useful for understanding the reproductive characteristics of wild stocks; however, there has been no study on spawning in captive T. japonicus. In the study reported here, we induced spawning in T. japonicus caught in the wild by hook and line. Females with fully vitellogenic oocytes and males during spermiation were selected by gonadal biopsy and injected with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog (GnRHa) mixed in molten coconut butter. This treatment was performed four times in different groups of four females and five to eight males, and each group was maintained in a 3-m3 concrete tank. We observed the first spawning at 1 or 2 days post-injection and collected between 41,690 and 149,450 eggs. Spawning was recorded on 18 consecutive days in one experiment and for 3 days continuously in the other experiments. In the former, spawning ended when the water temperature reached 23 °C and occurred mainly between 2100 and 2400 hours. These results indicate that GnRHa-induced spawning may be useful for evaluating the reproductive characteristics of T. japonicus and obtaining fertilized eggs to conduct larval experiments.
机译:鲭鱼Trachurus japonicus是日本重要的商业开发鱼类。饲养实验通常会提供有助于理解野生种群繁殖特性的信息。然而,尚未有关于圈养日本血吸虫产卵的研究。在这里报道的研究中,我们诱导了钩和线捕获在野生环境中的日本血吸虫的产卵。通过性腺活检选择雌性卵母细胞完全形成卵母细胞的雄性,并在雄性中选择雄性,并在熔融椰子油中注入促性腺激素释放激素类似物(GnRHa)。该处理在四只雌性和五到八只雄性的不同组中进行了四次,每组被保存在一个3立方米的混凝土罐中。我们在注射后1或2天观察到第一次产卵,并收集到41,690至149,450卵之间的卵。在一个实验中连续18天记录产卵,而在其他实验中连续3天记录产卵。在前一种情况下,产卵在水温达到23°C时结束,并且主要在2100至2400小时之间发生。这些结果表明,GnRHa诱导的产卵可能有助于评估日本血吸虫的生殖特性并获得受精卵进行幼虫实验。



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