首页> 外文期刊>Fish Physiology and Biochemistry >Elevated whole brain arginine vasotocin with Aroclor 1254 exposure in two Syngnathus pipefishes

Elevated whole brain arginine vasotocin with Aroclor 1254 exposure in two Syngnathus pipefishes

机译:两只Syngnathus fish鱼中Aroclor 1254暴露的全脑精氨酸血管收缩素升高

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The neurohypophysial hormone arginine vasotocin (AVT) and the neuroendocrine system strongly interact with the rest of the teleostean endocrine system. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of exposure to an endocrine disruptor on whole brain AVT concentrations for the pipefishes Syngnathus floridae and S. fuscus. Following treatment over the entire brood period, AVT concentrations were significantly higher for Aroclor 1254-exposed, post-brooding males compared to controls for both species. Considering both previously documented seventeen-fold increases in AVT for brooding males with embryos in some developmental stages and changes in parental nutrient concentrations after Aroclor 1254 exposure, these data begin to address potential physiological mechanisms that may underlie paternal activities in syngnathid males.
机译:神经垂体激素精氨酸血管收缩素(AVT)和神经内分泌系统与其余的硬骨膜内分泌系统强烈相互作用。这项研究的目的是调查暴露于内分泌干扰物对佛罗里达州Syngnathus floridae和S. fuscus的全脑AVT浓度的影响。在整个育雏期进行处理后,与两个物种的对照相比,Aroclor 1254暴露,育雏后雄性的AVT浓度明显更高。考虑到先前记录的育雏雄性处于某些发育阶段的AVT升高了17倍,以及Aroclor 1254暴露后父母营养水平的变化,这些数据开始探讨潜在的生理机制,可能是突触型雄性父本活动的基础。



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