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Relating Char Depth to Fire Severity Conditions


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Using the notion of a local fire severity parameter (LFS) which is a function of the energy available per square metre to inflict damage on the surface of a constructional component, a correlation relating local fire severity and char depth for wooden samples exposed to a furnace environment and a constant incident 50 kW/m~2 flux has been developed The approach reported in this paper links large scale and small scale test environments with regard to the estimation and prediction of char formation with inherent benefits for fire investigations and risk assessment. The methodology reported has potential for application in fire safety engineering. Copyright.
机译:使用局部火灾严重性参数(LFS)的概念,该参数是每平方米可用来对建筑构件表面造成破坏的能量的函数,将局部火灾严重性与暴露于炉子的木质样品的炭深相关联环境和恒定入射功率为50 kW / m〜2的通量已经开发出来。本文报道的方法将大型和小型测试环境联系在一起,将炭形成的估计和预测与固有的益处相结合,可用于火灾调查和风险评估。报告的方法具有在消防安全工程中的应用潜力。版权。



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