首页> 外文期刊>Financial history review >Finance, financiers and financial centres: a special issue in honour of Youssef Cassis Introduction

Finance, financiers and financial centres: a special issue in honour of Youssef Cassis Introduction

机译:金融,金融家和金融中心:纪念Youssef Cassis介绍的一个特别问题

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This special issue celebrates the career of Youssef Cassis. The introduction will outline his major contributions from his initial work on social characteristics of the financiers of the City of London, and their relationship with landed aristocrats and industry, through his analysis of a succession of financial centres, the comparative study of big business, the relationship between finance and politics, to his new project on the memory of financial crises. Then, we will draw on Youssef's mode of analysis to consider some of the more pressing issues in the era since the global financial crisis and the impact of Covid-19. We will consider the role of central banks, the challenge of fintech, the impact of low interest rates on inequality, savings and debt, and the potential shift in financial centres and reserve currencies with the rise of China. We will conclude by arguing that the mode of analysis developed by Cassis over his long and productive career has never been more pertinent.
机译:这个特别问题庆祝Youssef Cassis的职业生涯。介绍将概述他对伦敦市金融家的社会特征的最初工作的主要贡献,以及他们与降落贵族和行业的关系,通过分析了大型企业的比较研究,对比较研究金融与政治之间的关系,对金融危机记忆的新项目。然后,我们将借鉴Youssef的分析方式,以考虑自全球金融危机以来时代的一些更紧迫的问题和Covid-19的影响。我们将考虑中央银行,金融气挑战的作用,低利率对不平等,储蓄和债务的影响,以及中国崛起的金融中心和储备货币的潜在转变。我们将通过争辩说,Cassis在漫长和生产性职业生涯中开发的分析方式从未如此相关。



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