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Choice and innovation drive architectural fabric market


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What spurs innovation? Does the kernel of a new idea spring forth fully formed from the brow of a genius, or does it gestate over a long, arduous path involving sweat and heavy lifting? Maybe a bit of both, if you dig into the histories of new materials or processes. Often you will find that chance played as much a hand as hard work. Thomas Edison is famous for inventing the lightbulb, but only after thousands of failed attempts. Thankfully, he had the insight to know that the lightbulb required a system of power and distribution for it to be practical, and through lots of heavy lifting, he developed the systems that supported the lightbulb. Such was Edison’s influence that the lightbulb has come to be synonymous with “good ideas” or just ideas in general.
机译:是什么促使创新?一个新想法的核心是从一个天才的眉头中完全形成的,还是在一条漫长而艰辛的道路上凝结起来,其中包括汗水和沉重的负担?如果您深入研究新材料或新工艺的历史,可能两者都有。通常,您会发现机会与辛勤工作一样重要。托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Edison)以发明灯泡而闻名,但经过数千次失败的尝试。值得庆幸的是,他有洞察力,知道灯泡需要实用的电源和分配系统,并且通过大量的繁重工作,他开发了支持灯泡的系统。爱迪生(Edison)的这种影响使灯泡成为了“好主意”或只是一般上的主意。



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