首页> 外文期刊>Expert Systems >Prediction of postpartum depression using machine learning techniques from social media text

Prediction of postpartum depression using machine learning techniques from social media text


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Early screening of mental disorders plays a crucial role in diagnosis and treatment. This study explores how data-driven methods can leverage the information available on social media platforms to predict postpartum depression (PPD). A generalized approach is proposed where linguistic features are extracted from user-generated textual posts on social media and categorized as general, depressive, and PPD representative using multiple machine learning techniques. We find that techniques used in our study exhibit strong predictive capabilities for PPD content. Holdout validation showed that multilayer perceptron outperformed other techniques such as support vector machine and logistic regression used in this study with 91.7% accuracy for depressive content identification and up to 86.9% accuracy for PPD content prediction. This work adopts a hierarchical approach to predict PPD. Therefore, the reported PPD accuracy represents the performance of the model to correctly classify PPD content from non-PPD depressive content.



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