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The Effects of Fluid Viscosity on the Kinematics and Material Properties of C. elegans Swimming at Low Reynolds Number


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The effects of fluid viscosity on the kinematics of a small swimmer at low Reynolds numbers are investigated in both experiments and in a simple model. The swimmer is the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, which is an undulating roundworm approximately 1 mm long. Experiments show that the nematode maintains a highly periodic swimming behavior as the fluid viscosity is varied from 1.0 to 12 mPa s. Surprisingly, the nematode’s swimming speed (~0.35 mm/s) is nearly insensitive to the range of fluid viscosities investigated here. However, the nematode’s beating frequency decreases to an asymptotic value (~1.7 Hz) with increasing fluid viscosity. A simple model is used to estimate the nematode’s Young’s modulus and tissue viscosity. Both material properties increase with increasing fluid viscosity. It is proposed that the increase in Young’s modulus may be associated with muscle contraction in response to larger mechanical loading while the increase in effective tissue viscosity may be associated with the energy necessary to overcome increased fluid drag forces.
机译:在两个雷诺数和一个简单模型中都研究了低雷诺数下流体粘度对小型游泳者运动学的影响。游泳者是线虫秀丽隐杆线虫,它是一种约1毫米长的起伏的round虫。实验表明,当流体粘度从1.0到12 mPa s变化时,线虫保持高度周期性的游泳行为。令人惊讶的是,线虫的游泳速度(〜0.35 mm / s)对此处研究的流体粘度范围几乎不敏感。但是,随着流体粘度的增加,线虫的跳动频率会降低到渐近值(〜1.7 Hz)。一个简单的模型用于估算线虫的杨氏模量和组织粘度。两种材料的性能都随着流体粘度的增加而增加。有人提出,杨氏模量的增加可能与响应较大机械负荷的肌肉收缩有关,而有效组织粘度的增加可能与克服增加的流体阻力所必需的能量有关。



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