首页> 外文期刊>Evaluation and program planning >Visionary evaluation: Approaching Aboriginal ontological equity in water management evaluation

Visionary evaluation: Approaching Aboriginal ontological equity in water management evaluation


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The 2017 Traditional Owner evaluation of the implementation of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan developed an approach to evaluation that tested the use of Standpoint Theory in the field of natural resource management. This methodological choice was intended to enable First Nation approaches to data generation and use in equal measure to non-indigenous approaches. The method is implemented as a nested, up-hierarchy of scale, enabling a pan-optican dimension of vision from "below" and "above". The paper does not present the evaluative results regarding the implementation of the Plan because that information is co-owned by the participating Nations for their uses. Instead, and in respect of that arrangement, the paper presents the evaluation practices funded by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. The methodology was negotiated and implemented with the Nations in the pilot study as a co-production across cultural boundaries. The approach was then evaluated by the participants, and these results are reported. All those reviewing the methodology were directly involved in some aspect of the evaluation, 64 % of whom identified as Traditional Owners, 67 % of whom were involved in high level decision-making about the evaluation approach. Traditional Owners rated cultural competence of the tested approach at 68 %, the benefits of the approach at 75 %, satisfaction with the standard of the evaluation at 72 %, and satisfaction with complying with the Basin Plan's requirements for evaluation at 78 %. Recommendations for broader engagement and better science communication are made.
机译:2017年传统所有者对默里 - 达令盆地计划实施的评估制定了一种评估方法,这些方法测试了在自然资源管理领域中使用的立体理论。该方法的选择旨在使第一国家的数据生成方法能够与非土着方法相同的措施。该方法实现为嵌套,上层的比例,从“下面”和“上面”启用Vision的Pan-Optiman维度。本文在执行计划的情况下,该论文并未提供评估结果,因为该信息由参与国家共同拥有它们的用途。相反,就该安排而言,本文提出了由默里达令盆地管理局资助的评估实践。该方法在试点研究中谈判和实施,作为跨文化界限的共同生产。然后通过参与者评估该方法,报告这些结果。审查方法的所有审查方法都是直接参与评估的某些方面,其中64%被确定为传统所有者,其中67%的人参与了关于评估方法的高水平决策。传统业主评定了测试方法的文化能力为68%,该方法的好处为75%,对评估标准的满意度为72%,并满足遵守盆地计划的评价要求78%。提出更广泛参与和更好的科学沟通的建议。



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