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Cross-border E-commerce Failing To Keep Pace


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Even though e-commerce is taking off at national level, the share of EU consumers that have shopped across borders has remained stable since 2006 (at around a quarter of the population), according reports published by the European Commission, on 2 October (Eurobarometer surveys on businesses and on consumer attitudes to cross-border shopping). Currently, 75% of retailers sell only to consumers domestically, but the reports show that if rules were harmonised almost half of them (ie 34% more) would be interested in selling cross-border. "The potential for further internal market integration in this field is considerable - so it is clearly a priority to ensure that legal and practical barriers do not prevent consumers and businesses from trading cross-border - whilst ensuring a consistently high level of consumer protection," said the EU s Consumer Affairs Commissioner Meglena Kuneva.
机译:根据欧盟委员会10月2日发布的报告,尽管电子商务在全国范围内蓬勃发展,但自2006年以来,跨境购物的欧盟消费者所占比例一直保持稳定(约占总人口的四分之一)(欧洲晴雨表)有关企业和消费者对跨境购物态度的调查)。目前,有75%的零售商仅向国内消费者销售产品,但报告显示,如果统一规则,几乎有一半的零售商(即增加34%)将对跨境销售感兴趣。 “在该领域进一步进行内部市场整合的潜力是巨大的-因此,确保法律和实际障碍不阻止消费者和企业进行跨境交易-同时确保始终如一的高水平的消费者保护显然是当务之急。”欧盟消费者事务专员麦格琳娜·库内娃(Meglena Kuneva)说。



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