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EFTA greenlights state aid for carbon capture and storage


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EU Energy Commissioner Andris Pie-balgs welcomed, on 23 July, a decision by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Surveillance Authority (ESA) not to raise objections to a Norwegian project for large-scale testing of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies at Mongstadt. Norway had notified ESA in July 2007 that it would invest in the company set to build and own the CCS Test Center Mongstad (TCM) in western Norway. ESA, in a decision made public on 16 July, had raised no objections to the Norwegian state providing up to 80% of the capital of the TCM holding. According to Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, the decision is a major step towards developing and testing new CO_2 capture technology in Europe. The TCM should be operational for full-scale carbon capture and storage from 2014. Norway's Ministry of Petroleum and Energy signed an agreement in 2006 with Statoil to establish the TCM project together with a combined heat and power plant. Piebalgs underlined that the goal of the TCM project was to test and demonstrate different concepts and technologies capable of reducing costs and risks.
机译:欧盟能源专员Andris Pie-balgs在7月23日对欧洲自由贸易协会(EFTA)监督局(ESA)的一项决定表示欢迎,该决定不反对挪威大规模开展碳捕集与封存测试项目(CCS) Mongstadt的技术。挪威已于2007年7月通知ESA,它将投资于在挪威西部建立并拥有CCS Mongstad测试中心(TCM)的公司。在7月16日公布的一项决定中,欧空局没有反对挪威政府提供最多80%的中药控股资本。挪威总理詹斯·斯托尔滕贝格(Jens Stoltenberg)认为,这一决定是朝着在欧洲开发和测试新的CO_2捕集技术迈出的重要一步。 TCM将从2014年开始全面吸收和存储碳。挪威石油和能源部于2006年与Statoil签署了一项协议,以建立TCM项目以及热电联产工厂。 Piebalgs强调,中医项目的目标是测试和演示能够降低成本和风险的不同概念和技术。



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