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Ministers give nod to Small Business Act


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The European Union's ministers responsible for industry and internal market gave their blessing to the Small Business Act (SBA), a piece of legislation intended to unlock the potential of 23 million European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) However, they did not make clear how and when they are going to implement the dozens of initiatives previewed by the SBA, which are in the hands of EU member states. The informal Competitiveness Council in Jouy-en-Josas near Versailles, on 18 July, gave member states the first opportunity to react to and exchange views on the SBA, adopted by the European Commission, on 25 June. The debate, chaired by the French Minister of State for Business, Herve Novelli, and Minister of State for European Affairs Jean-Pierre Jouyet, was organised around three issues fundamental to the SBA: the block exemption on state aid, the draft statute for a European private company and SMEs' access to finance and venture capital.
机译:欧盟负责工业和内部市场的部长们对《小企业法》(SBA)表示了祝福,该法旨在释放2300万欧洲中小企业的潜力。但是,他们没有做到明确他们将如何以及何时实施SBA所预告的数十项举措,这些举措都在欧盟成员国手中。 7月18日,在凡尔赛附近的茹瓦-若萨斯举行的非正式竞争力理事会为成员国提供了第一个机会,对欧盟委员会于6月25日通过的SBA做出反应并交换意见。这场辩论由法国商务国务大臣赫尔夫·诺韦利(Herve Novelli)和欧洲事务大臣让·皮埃尔·茹瓦(Jean-Pierre Jouyet)主持,围绕SBA的三个基本问题进行了讨论:对国家援助实行集体豁免,针对联合国欧洲私营公司和中小型企业获得融资和风险投资的渠道。



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