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The Conference of Group Presidents in the European Parliament has decided to recommend to the College of Quaestors to annul its decision of November 2007 authorising the opening of the office of the European Business and Parliament Scheme (EPBS). This body, created by former EP President Pat Cox (Ireland), aimed to advise MEPs and serve as a link between them and the world of business. Made up primarily of parliamentarians, it indirectly gave 28 major multinationals the possibility of lobbying within the Parliament. This situation pushed some MEPs, including the Co-chair of the Greens-EFA group, Italian Monica Frassoni, to denounce this "unethical" lobbying. The next meeting of the quaestors will be held at the plenary in Strasbourg, from 19 to 22 May. They are expected to approve a decision to shut down the EPBS. (CSA)
机译:欧洲议会总统小组会议已决定建议Quaestors学院取消其2007年11月批准开设欧洲商业与议会计划(EPBS)办事处的决定。该机构由前EP总统Pat Cox(爱尔兰)创建,旨在为MEP提供建议,并将其与企业界联系起来。它主要由议员组成,间接使28个主要跨国公司有在议会内部进行游说的可能性。这种情况促使一些欧洲议会议员,包括Greens-EFA小组的联席主席意大利人Monica Frassoni谴责这种“不道德”的游说。下次居民会议将于5月19日至22日在斯特拉斯堡的全体会议上举行。他们预计将批准关闭EPBS的决定。 (CSA)




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