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Washington braces for crucial vote on climate


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"We urge the US to do its utmost to wrap up work on its domestic climate legislation by the December 2009 United Nations summit in Copenhagen." A plea from Italian Socialist MEP Guido Sacconi, who led a delegation of ten deputies to Washington, on 28-30 April, aimed at bolstering the commitment of US lawmakers to combat global warming. Some 60 out of 100 US Senators are now favourably disposed to cap and trade legislation to curb greenhouse gas emissions - a big enough majority to secure adoption. However, things are moving slower in the other US legislative branch - the House of Representatives - and MEPs are worried the US may not have anything on the statute books in time for the crucial Copenhagen summit. The deputies met with Senators Joe Lieberman (Independent, Connecticut), John Warner (Republican, Virginia) and Jeff Bingaman (Democrat, New Mexico), who have each at various times sponsored cap and trade bills. A recent head count of Senate support gives the MEPs cause for hope: 45 Senators strongly back legislation, 15 are well-disposed, 16 are not categorically opposed while the remainder are 'no hopers', according to one source.
机译:“我们敦促美国尽最大努力,在2009年12月在哥本哈根举行的联合国首脑会议上结束其国内气候立法的工作。”意大利社会主义环境保护部议员吉多·萨科尼(Guido Sacconi)于4月28日至30日率领十个代表团组成的代表团向华盛顿发出呼吁,旨在加强美国立法者应对全球变暖的承诺。现在,每100名美国参议员中就有60名受到有利的限制和贸易立法,以抑制温室气体排放-足够大的多数来确保采用。但是,美国另一个立法机构-众议院的情况却进展缓慢。欧洲议会议员担心,在关键的哥本哈根峰会召开之前,美国可能没有任何相关法规。代表们会见了参议员乔·利伯曼(Joe Lieberman)(康涅狄格州独立),约翰·华纳(John Warner)(弗吉尼亚共和党)和杰夫·宾格曼(Jeff Bingaman)(新墨西哥州民主党),他们在不同时期均赞助了上限和贸易法案。一位消息人士称,参议院最近的支持人数使欧洲议会议员有希望的理由:45名参议员强烈支持立法,15名议员人情适当,16名没有绝对反对,其余则是“没有希望”。



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