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Ep Seeks Truly Binding Objective


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In most member states, the funding allocated to energy efficiency plans is still insufficient and some sectoral policies still run counter to the goal of a more energy-efficient European Union. The European Parliament expresses its regret about this in an own-initiative report by Andras Gyiirk (EPP-ED, Hungary), adopted, on 19 February, during the plenary session in Brussels. The report argues that the European target of saving 20% energy between now and 2020 by improving energy efficiency should be made legally binding. The national action plans that the member states have been asked to implement to achieve this goal are often submitted extremely late and several show gaps that could threaten the success of the European energy efficiency goals, according to the report. The two other goals for 2020 (reducing greenhouse gas emissions and raising the proportion of renewable energy in the energy mix to 20%) are already set by the climate change legislation adopted in December 2008.
机译:在大多数成员国中,分配给能效计划的资金仍然不足,一些部门政策仍然与提高能效的欧盟的目标背道而驰。欧洲议会在2月19日在布鲁塞尔的全体会议上通过的Andras Gyiirk(匈牙利EPP-ED)的主动报告中对此表示遗憾。报告认为,从现在到2020年,通过提高能源效率来节省20%能源的欧洲目标应设定为具有法律约束力。该报告称,要求成员国执行以实现该目标的国家行动计划往往提交得太晚,而且有几个差距可能威胁到欧洲节能目标的成功。 2008年12月通过的气候变化立法已经设定了2020年的另外两个目标(减少温室气体排放并将可再生能源在能源结构中的比例提高到20%)。



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