首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Wood and Wood Products >IR-Spektren von TMP und CTMP, hergestellt aus Kiefernholz und mitteldichten Faserplatten (MDF)

IR-Spektren von TMP und CTMP, hergestellt aus Kiefernholz und mitteldichten Faserplatten (MDF)


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IR-spectra of TMP and CTMP prepared from pine wood and UF-bonded MDF made from pine wood show characteristic differences. The typical band for carbonyl groups (C=O-groups) at wave number about 1740 cm-1 is strong in pine wood, but appears relatively weak in TMP and especially in CTMP made thereof. In UF-bonded MDF made from pine wood the band at about 1740 cm-1 is very weak compared to that in pine wood. Moreover, no significant difference in the IR-spectrum between TMP and CTMP made from UF-bonded MDF seems to exist. This is attributed to the fact that during thermo-mechanical pulping of UF-bonded boards hydrolytic degradation of the resin takes place enhancing the formation of ammonia which increases the pH-value of the fibres and leads therefore to chemo-thermo-mechanical pulping.
机译:由松木制成的TMP和CTMP的红外光谱以及由松木制成的UF粘合中密度纤维板显示出特征差异。在松木中,波数约为1740 cm -1 的典型羰基带(C = O-基团)强,但在TMP中尤其是由其制成的CTMP中显得较弱。在由松木制成的UF粘合MDF中,与松木相比,在约1740 cm -1 处的带非常弱。而且,由UF结合的MDF制成的TMP和CTMP之间的IR光谱似乎没有显着差异。这归因于以下事实:在UF粘合板的热机械制浆过程中,发生树脂的水解降解,从而增强了氨的形成,这增加了纤维的pH值,并因此导致了化学-热机械制浆。



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