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Limit analysis and Gurson's model


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The yield criterion of a porous material using Gurson's model [Gurson, A.L., 1977. Continuum theory of ductile rupture by void nucleation and growth - Part I: Yield criteria and flow rules for porous ductile media. ASME J. Engrg. Mater. Tech-nol. 99, 2-15] is investigated herein. Both methods of Limit Analysis are applied using linear and conic programming codes for solving resulting non-linear optimization problems. First, the results obtained for a poroils media with cylindrical cavities [Francescato, P., Pastor, J., Riveill-Reydet, B., 2004. Ductile failure of cylindrically porous materials. Part 1: Plane stress problem and experimental results. Eur. J. Mech. A Solids 23, 181-190; Pastor, J., Francescato, P., Trillat, M., Loute, E., Rous-selier, G., 2004. Ductile failure of cylindrically porous materials. Part 2: Other cases of symmetry. Eur. J. Mech. A Solids 23, 191-201] are summarized, showing that the Gurson expression is too restrictive in this case. Then the hollow sphere problem is investigated, in the axisymmetrical and in the three-dimensional (3D) cases. A plane mesh of discontinuous triangular elements is used to model the hollow sphere as RVE in the axisymmetrical example. This first model does not provide a very precise yield criterion. Then a full 3D model is applied (using discontinuous tetrahedral elements), thus solving nearly exactly the general three-dimensional problem. Several examples of loadings are investigated in order to test the final criterion in a variety of situations. As a result, the Gurson approach is slightly improved and, for the first time, it is validated by our rigorous static and kinematic approaches.
机译:使用Gurson模型的多孔材料的屈服准则[Gurson,A.L.,1977.空隙成核和生长引起的延性破裂的连续理论-第一部分:多孔延性介质的屈服准则和流动规则。 ASME J.工程。母校技术nol。 99,2-15]在本文中进行了研究。两种极限分析方法均使用线性和圆锥形编程代码来解决所产生的非线性优化问题。首先,获得具有圆柱孔的多孔介质的结果[Francescato,P.,Pastor,J.,Riveill-Reydet,B.,2004。圆柱多孔材料的延性破坏。第1部分:平面应力问题和实验结果。欧元。 J.机甲固体23,181-190; J. Pastor,Francescato,P.,Trillat,M.,Loute,E.,Rous-selier,G.,2004。圆柱形多孔材料的延性破坏。第2部分:其他对称情况。欧元。 J.机甲总结了Solids 23,191-201],这表明在这种情况下,Gurson表达式过于严格。然后,在轴对称和三维(3D)情况下研究空心球问题。在轴对称示例中,使用不连续三角形元素的平面网格将空心球建模为RVE。该第一个模型没有提供非常精确的屈服准则。然后应用完整的3D模型(使用不连续的四面体元素),从而几乎完全解决了一般的三维问题。为了在各种情况下测试最终标准,研究了几个载荷示例。结果,Gurson方法得到了一些改进,并且首次通过我们严格的静态和运动学方法进行了验证。



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