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This issue of the journal provides an excellent range of comparative studies of European industrial relations. The first two articles examine changing patterns of union organization and collective bargaining in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE): the 'new' member states of the EU, though it is now over a decade since the original group of accessions. Miroslav Stanojevic addresses the contrasting dynamics and constraints of the 'neoliberal turn' in CEE. In Hungary, a divided labour movement lacked the capacity to resist rapid mass privatization and the associated influx of multinational capital. In Slovenia, by contrast, unions possessed far greater mobilization capacity and helped ensure the development of a 'social market economy'. Since 2000, however, both trajectories have changed. In Hungary an authoritarian government has pursued contradictory policies of encouraging the growth of a domestic economic elite and populist concessions to the working class, while Slovenia has seen a drastic lurch towards neoliberalism.
机译:该期杂志提供了一系列有关欧洲劳资关系的比较研究。前两篇文章探讨了中欧和东欧(CEE)工会组织和集体谈判的不断变化的模式:欧盟的“新”成员国,尽管距最初加入欧盟已有10多年了。米罗斯拉夫·斯塔诺耶维奇(Miroslav Stanojevic)解决了中欧和东欧“新自由主义”的动态变化和制约因素。在匈牙利,分散的工人运动缺乏抵抗迅速的大规模私有化以及随之而来的跨国资本涌入的能力。相反,在斯洛文尼亚,工会具有更大的动员能力,并有助于确保“社会市场经济”的发展。但是,自2000年以来,这两个轨迹都发生了变化。在匈牙利,一个威权政府采取了相互矛盾的政策,以鼓励国内经济精英和民粹主义的让步增加到工人阶级,而斯洛文尼亚则看到了向新自由主义的猛烈冲动。



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