首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Forest Research >Impact of silviculture on dead wood and on the distribution and frequency of tree microhabitats in montane beech-fir forests of the Pyrenees

Impact of silviculture on dead wood and on the distribution and frequency of tree microhabitats in montane beech-fir forests of the Pyrenees


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In forest ecosystems, the level of biodiversity is strongly linked to dead wood and tree microhabitats. To evaluate the influence of current forest management on the availability of dead wood and on the abundance and distribution of microhabitats, we studied the volume and diversity of dead wood objects and the distribution and frequency of cavities, dendrothelms, cracks, bark losses and sporophores of saproxylic fungi in montane beech-fir stands. We compared stands unmanaged for 50 or 100 years with continuously managed stands. A total of 1,204 live trees and 460 dead wood objects were observed. Total dead wood volume, snag volume and microhabitat diversity were lower in the managed stands, but the total number of microhabitats per ha was not significantly different between managed and unmanaged stands. Cavities were always the most frequent microhabitat and cracks the least frequent. Dendrothelm and bark loss were favored by management. Beech (Fagus sylvatica) carried many more microhabitats than silver fir (Abies alba), especially cavities, dendrothelms and bark losses. Fir very scarcely formed dendrothelms. Secondary tree species played an important role by providing cracks and bark losses. The proportion of microhabitat-bearing trees increased dramatically above circumference thresholds of 225 cm for beech and 215 cm for fir. Firs with a circumference of less than 135 cm did not carry microhabitats. In order to conserve microhabitat-providing trees and to increase the volume of dead wood in managed stands, we recommend conserving trees that finish their natural cycle over 10–20% of the surface area.
机译:在森林生态系统中,生物多样性的水平与枯木和树木的微生境密切相关。为了评估当前森林经营对死木供应量以及微生境的丰富度和分布的影响,我们研究了死木物体的体积和多样性以及空洞,树突,裂缝,树皮损失和孢子体的分布和频率山毛榉冷杉林中的saproxylic真菌。我们将50或100年未管理的展位与连续管理的展位进行了比较。总共观察到1,204棵活树和460棵枯木物体。在管理林分中,总死木量,粗枝量和微生境多样性较低,但管理林和非管理林分中每公顷的微生境总数没有显着差异。空腔始终是最常见的微生境,而裂缝则是最不常见的。管理层赞成树皮热和树皮损失。山毛榉(Fagus sylvatica)比银冷杉(Abies alba)携带更多的微生境,尤其是蛀牙,树皮和树皮损失。冷杉很少形成树突。次生树种通过提供裂缝和树皮损失发挥了重要作用。高于微生境树木的比例在山毛榉225厘米和冷杉215厘米的周界线以上。周长小于135 cm的冷杉没有微生境。为了保护提供小生境的树木并增加受管理林分中的枯木量,我们建议保护自然循环超过表面积10-20%的树木。



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