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Lessons from Russia: A Neo-Authoritarian Media System


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This article seeks to answer two interrelated questions: where does press freedom stand in Russia more than 15 years after Mikhail Gorbachev's policy glasnost began? and, what does Russia's media transformation tell us about our understanding of mass political media systems? It is argued that while the Russian media are suffering under the presidency of Vladimir Putin, circumstances are in no way as dire as in the pre-Gorbachev Soviet period, nor even as bad as some journalists' rights organizations would have it. By using comparative analysis, and incorporating political science literature that offers typologies of non-democratic systems of governance, the article demonstrates that contemporary Russian media find much in common with authoritarian regimes across the world and are not sui generis as some have argued. In the process, the author attempts to resurrect some of the important distinctions made in Siebert et al.'s much maligned Four Theories of the Press, particularly the role of the state as the leading threat to media freedom. The author also argues for the need to distinguish more clearly between different types of non-democratic mass political media systems.
机译:本文旨在回答两个相互关联的问题:在米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)的政策格拉斯诺斯特(Glasnost)政策开始实施15年后,新闻自由在俄罗斯的地位如何?俄罗斯的媒体转型对我们对大众政治媒体系统的理解告诉了我们什么?有人认为,尽管俄罗斯媒体在弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)总统的领导下遭受苦难,但情况绝不像戈尔巴乔夫前苏联时期那样可怕,甚至不像某些新闻工作者的权利组织那样糟糕。通过使用比较分析,并结合提供非民主治理体系类型的政治科学文献,该文章表明,当代俄罗斯媒体与全世界的独裁政权有很多共同之处,并不像某些人所主张的那样具有特殊性。在此过程中,作者试图复活西伯特(Siebert)等人极为反感的四个新闻理论中的一些重要区别,特别是国家作为媒体自由的主要威胁所扮演的角色。作者还提出有必要更清楚地区分不同类型的非民主大众政治媒体系统。



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