首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Communication >Liesbeth De Block And David Buckingham, Global Children, Global Media: Migration, Media And Childhood

Liesbeth De Block And David Buckingham, Global Children, Global Media: Migration, Media And Childhood

机译:Liesbeth De Block和David Buckingham,全球儿童,全球媒体:移民,媒体和童年

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This book, on first flick through, seems to explore the well-charted terrain around the social, political and economic power of the media and the myriad ways that it can be said that individuals and groups play with, subvert and incorporate media content into their lifeworlds. What makes this book stand out from the crowd of other studies on media use is that it explores and analyses the experiences of immigrant children and presents these in a coherent form for the first time. The book's great strength is that it brings new evidence into familiar, and all too often abstract, discussions about culture and identity. It draws from studies with young immigrants in the UK and Europe and succeeds in challenging how we currently think about globalization, media use and identity formation. It also reminds us of how unsatisfactory it is to talk of a 'national' childhood, even though that informs much social and media policy.



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