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Robert J. Art and Louise Richardson (eds), Democracy and Counterterrorism: Lessons from the Past

机译:Robert J. Art和Louise Richardson(eds),《民主与反恐怖主义:过去的教训》

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In this age of 24/7 saturation coverage of all things terror-related, it is hard to conceive of a book about terrorism that does not touch on the synergistic relationship between terrorists and the media. That is doubly true of a collection marketed as 'a comprehensive study' of the lessons drawn from recent history. Yet Democracy and Counterterrorism manages to avoid the issue almost entirely. Absent from the index to this 640-page tome are the words 'media', 'television', 'newspaper' and 'Internet'. Nowhere in the 14 case studies from Europe, South America, the Middle East and South Asia is there a substantive discussion of media as a tool of terror or a weapon of counterterrorism. 'Terrorism, let's recall, is the deliberate use of violence, more often than not against non-combatants, to induce political change through fear', the editors write in their introduction, paraphrasing Rand expert Bruce Hoffman (p. 8). That definition is repeatedly cited throughout the book. But the editors seem to ignore the implicit fact that, like the tree falling in the woods, the terror act must be communicated to a wider audience if it is to be heard - or, in this case, to create fear. Media is the critical missing piece in this strategic equation. That was recognized as far back as 1979 at the First International Conference on Terrorism, which denounced the 'special relationship' between media and terrorism (Netanyahu, 1986).
机译:在这个24/7饱和的时代,所有与恐怖主义有关的事物都被覆盖,很难想象一本关于恐怖主义的书没有触及恐怖分子与媒体之间的协同关系。对于作为对近代历史教训的“全面研究”而推销的收藏品,这确实是双重事实。然而,民主和反恐设法几乎完全避免了这个问题。这份640页的巨著索引中没有索引,包括“媒体”,“电视”,“报纸”和“互联网”。在来自欧洲,南美,中东和南亚的14个案例研究中,没有任何地方对媒体作为恐怖手段或反恐武器的实质性讨论。编者在引言中对兰德专家布鲁斯·霍夫曼(Bruce Hoffman)(第8页)进行了解释,他说:“恐怖主义是蓄意使用暴力,通常是针对非战斗人员,以通过恐惧来引发政治变革。”整本书中反复引用了该定义。但是编辑似乎忽略了这样一个隐含事实:就像要倒在树林中的那棵树一样,恐怖行为必须传达给更多的听众,或者在这种情况下要制造恐惧。媒体是这一战略方程式中至关重要的缺失部分。早在1979年第一届国际恐怖主义会议上就承认了这一点,该会议谴责了媒体与恐怖主义之间的“特殊关系”(内塔尼亚胡,1986年)。



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