首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Communication >Eoin Devereux (ed.), Key Issues and Debates in Media Studies. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi and Singapore: Sage, 2007. £20.00.392 pp

Eoin Devereux (ed.), Key Issues and Debates in Media Studies. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi and Singapore: Sage, 2007. £20.00.392 pp

机译:Eoin Devereux(ed。),媒体研究中的关键问题和辩论。洛杉矶,伦敦,新德里和新加坡:贤者,2007年。£ 20.00.392 pp

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This new media studies textbook brings established and emergent scholars together between its covers. A wide range of issues and topics are covered, including Joke Hermes on media representations of gender and John Corner on the relationship between media systems and political systems, to Jeroen de Kloet and Liesbet van Zoonen on fan culture and Karim H. Karim on media and diaspora. Some of the contributions are instructive and rewarding, but as in any textbook, there are aspects of what is covered that are rather pedestrian and predictable. A major weakness of the book is its lack of structure and organization. According to its editor, Eoin Devereux, it is sequenced in terms of a production/content/reception logic of presentation. This is discernible, but it is a loose framework at best.
机译:这本新的媒体研究教科书将知名学者和新兴学者聚集在一起。涵盖了广泛的问题和主题,包括关于性别媒体代表的笑话爱马仕和关于媒体系统与政治系统之间关系的约翰·角,关于粉丝文化的杰罗恩·德·克洛埃特和列斯贝特·范·扎尼嫩,以及关于媒体和媒体的卡里姆·卡里姆散居。其中的一些贡献是有益的和有益的,但正如在任何教科书中一样,所涵盖内容的某些方面相当行人可预测。这本书的主要缺点是缺乏结构和组织。根据其编辑Eoin Devereux的介绍,它按照演示的生产/内容/接收逻辑进行排序。这是显而易见的,但充其量只是一个宽松的框架。



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