首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Communication >Michele Martin, images at War: Illustrated Periodicals and Constructed Nations

Michele Martin, images at War: Illustrated Periodicals and Constructed Nations

机译:米歇尔·马丁(Michele Martin),《战争中的图像:图解期刊和建制国家》

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'Total wars' are often assumed to be 20th-century phenomena, that is, conflicts where distinctions between combatants and non-combatants disappear and entire nation-states become dedicated to the mass production of sufficient munitions and machineries of war to deliver victory, whatever the cost. Photo-journalism, too, is commonly defined as a 20th-century innovation, offering an unprecedented means for the mass reproduction of 'the precise and transitory instant' (to quote Henri Cartier Bresson). It has even been argued that photo-journalism played a significant part in the totalizing of military conflict, at least in a psychological sense, by creating new opportunities for intimacy with human suffering in distant conflicts. No doubt many non-Spaniards in 1936 who saw Robert Capa's photographs of the civilians in Madrid sheltering from artillery and air attack by nationalist forces had no problems projecting the scenes from the Gran Via, to Piccadilly Circus or the Champs-Elysees.
机译:“全面战争”通常被认为是20世纪的现象,即冲突中,战斗人员和非战斗人员之间的区别消失,整个民族国家致力于大规模生产足够的弹药和战争机器以取得胜利,无论如何成本。摄影新闻主义也通常被定义为20世纪的创新,它为“精确而短暂的瞬间”的大规模复制提供了前所未有的手段(引用Henri Cartier Bresson的话)。甚至有人争论说,新闻摄影在军事冲突的全面发展中起着重要作用,至少在心理上是这样,它创造了与远距离冲突中的人类苦难亲密的新机会。毫无疑问,许多非西班牙人在1936年看到罗伯特·卡帕(Robert Capa)拍摄的马德里平民躲避炮弹和民族主义力量的空袭的照片,将场景从格兰维亚大街,皮卡迪利广场或香榭丽舍大道投射出来毫无疑问。



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