首页> 外文期刊>Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science >An inflection in the rate of early mid-Holocene eustatic sea-level rise: A new sea-level curve from Singapore

An inflection in the rate of early mid-Holocene eustatic sea-level rise: A new sea-level curve from Singapore


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This study presents a sea-level curve from ~9500 to ~6500 cal BP for the farfield location of Singapore, on the Sunda Shelf in southeast Asia. The curve is based on more than 50 radiocarbon dates from elevations of +1.43 m to -15.09 m representing sea-level index, points in intertidal mangrove and shallow marine sediments deposited by sea-level rise accompanying deglaciation. The results indicate that mean sea level rose rapidly from around — 17 m at 9500 cal BP to around —3 m by 8000 cal BP. After this time, the data suggest (but do not unequivocally prove) that the rate of sea-rise slowed for a period of 300—500 years centred on ~ 7700 cal BP, shortly after the cessation of meltwater input to the oceans from the northern hemisphere. Renewed sea-level rise amounting to 3—5 m began around 7400 cal BP and was complete by 7000 cal BP. The existence of an inflection in the rate of sea-level rise, with a slow-down centred on ~7700 cal BP, is broadly consistent with other available sea-level curves over this interval and is supported by evidence of stable shorelines and delta initiation elsewhere at this time, as well as evidence of comparatively rapid retreat of the West Antarctic ice sheet beginning around 7500 cal BP. 'Stepped' sea-level rise occurring shortly after 7500 cal BP and also earlier during deglaciation may have served to focus significant post-glacial episodes of human maritime/coastal dispersal, into comparatively narrow time intervals.
机译:这项研究提出了在新加坡的远场位置,在东南亚的Sun他架上,海浪从〜9500到〜6500 cal BP的海平面曲线。该曲线基于从+1.43 m到-15.09 m的50多个放射性碳数据,这些数据代表海平面指数,潮间带红树林中的点以及因海平面上升伴随着冰消沉而沉积的浅海沉积物。结果表明,平均海平面从9500 cal BP的大约17 m迅速上升到8000 cal BP的大约3 m。在这段时间之后,数据表明(但没有明确证明),在北冰洋停止向海中输入融水后不久,海平面上升的速度以〜7700 cal BP为中心持续了300-500年。半球。在7400 cal BP附近开始了新的3-5 m的海平面上升,到7000 cal BP才完成。海平面上升速率的拐点存在,以〜7700 cal BP为中心减速,在此间隔内与其他可用海平面曲线大致一致,并得到稳定海岸线和三角洲起始的证据的支持此时的其他地方,以及西南极冰盖在7500 cal BP附近开始相对快速退缩的证据。在7500 cal BP之后不久以及在冰期早期,发生的“阶梯式”海平面上升可能已将人类海上/沿海扩散的重要冰期后事件集中在相对较窄的时间间隔内。



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