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Colonisation of Beach-Cast Macrophyte Wrack Patches by Talitrid Amphipods: A Primer


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Sandy beaches are characterised by heterogeneously distributed food sources both in time and space. The major energy supply is derived from marine subsidies in the form of beach-cast macrophyte wrack. Wrack patches are short-lived, and their position on the beaches varies with tidal and seasonal cycles as well as weather conditions. Little is known about how sandy beach inhabitants orient themselves towards, and colonise, wrack patches. In a series of field studies on islands off Vancouver Island (British Columbia, Canada), colonisation patterns of wrack patches by beach fleas and sand hoppers (Amphipoda: Talitridae), the most abundant macrofaunal detritivores, were studied. As indicated by colonisation of experimental patches of wrack and wrack surrogates that were either visible or buried in the sand, beach fleas (Traskorchestia traskiana) rely on olfactory cues for locating freshly deposited wrack patches in their patchy and dynamic habitat. Dense colonisation of freshly deposited algal wrack generally occurred within less than 1 h but depended upon the tidal height of wrack patches. Beach flea density in freshly deposited wrack patches increased with increasing tidal height. By contrast, sand hoppers (Megalorchestia californiana) colonised freshly deposited wrack patches in densities that decreased with tidal height. Discussing these interspecific differences, we provide a primer for future detailed studies on transport of matter along the marine–terrestrial gradient of sand beaches.
机译:沙滩的特征是食物来源在时间和空间上都是不均匀分布的。主要能源供应来自海滩补贴大型植物残骸形式的海洋补贴。沉船斑块是短命的,它们在海滩上的位置会随着潮汐和季节周期以及天气状况的变化而变化。对于沙滩上的居民如何使自己朝向并定居于残骸斑块,鲜为人知。在对温哥华岛(加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省)以外的岛屿进行的一系列野外研究中,研究了海滩跳蚤和沙漏斗(两栖动物:Talitridae)等残骸的定居模式。正如实验性的残骸和残骸替代物的殖民化所表明的那样,这些残骸和残骸都是可见的或埋在沙子中的,沙滩跳蚤(Traskorchestia traskiana)依靠嗅觉线索在其斑驳而动态的栖息地中定位新沉积的残骸斑块。新鲜沉积的海藻残骸的密集定植通常在不到1小时内发生,但取决于残骸斑块的潮汐高度。随着潮汐高度的增加,新沉积的沉船斑块中的海滩跳蚤密度增加。相比之下,沙漏斗(Megalorchestia californiana)则以随着潮汐高度降低而降低的密度在新沉积的沉船斑块上定植。讨论这些种间差异,我们为将来沿着沙滩的海洋-地面梯度物质迁移的详细研究提供了基础。



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