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Detecting Freshwater Inputs via Groundwater Discharge to Marina Lagoon, Mediterranean Coast, Egypt


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Much work in recent years has reported on the role of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) on coastal biogeochemistry, but most of those studies have focused on temperate or tropical climates where year-round rainfall recharges surficial aquifers. The aim of this work, however, was to examine SGD behaviors in an arid setting—Marina Lagoon on the Egyptian Mediterranean coast. SGD was estimated via radon surveys and time-series measurements in lagoon waters during two campaigns (wet season in March 2009 and dry season in July 2010). Relatively higher values of radon were detected in March (maximum 30 dpm/L) compared to July (up to 16 dpm/L), which would indicate either enhanced input rates, or lower mixing/atmospheric losses during the wet season. Lower salinity waters within Marina Lagoon were characterized by higher radon and higher concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and silica (DISi), characteristic of groundwater inputs. Based on lagoon and groundwater radon measurements and an advection-diffusion model, SGD average rates between 0.83 to 2.4 × 108 L/day were estimated for both surveys. Since no seasonal pattern was detected, we suspect that either (1) SGD is derived from a regional aquifer not influenced by recharge from local rainfall or (2) local water use for irrigation and domestic purposes artificially recharges the surficial aquifer in the dry summer (tourist) months, which compensates for the lack of rainfall occurring at that time.
机译:近年来,有关海底地下水排放(SGD)在沿海生物地球化学中的作用的许多工作已有报道,但这些研究大多数都集中在温带或热带气候下,全年降雨补充了表层含水层。但是,这项工作的目的是在干旱的环境中检查SGD行为-埃及地中海沿岸的玛丽娜泻湖。在两次运动期间(2009年3月为湿季,2010年7月为旱季),通过对湖水域的ra气调查和时间序列测量估算了SGD。与7月(最高16 dpm / L)相比,3月(最高> 30 dpm / L)中测得的ra值相对较高,这表明要么增加了输入速率,要么在湿季降低了混合/大气损失。滨海泻湖内盐度较低的水的特征是higher含量较高,而溶解无机氮(DIN)和二氧化硅(DISi)的浓度较高,这是地下水输入的特征。根据泻湖和地下水ra的测量结果以及对流扩散模型,两次调查的SGD平均速率均估计为0.83至2.4×108 L /天。由于未检测到季节性模式,因此我们怀疑(1)SGD来自不受当地降雨补给影响的区域含水层,或者(2)局部用水用于灌溉和家庭目的,在干燥的夏季为地面含水层人为补给(旅游者)月,以弥补当时降雨不足的情况。



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