首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Science & Technology >Measuring Transport of Lawn-Applied Herbicide Acids from Turf to Home: Correlation of Dislodgeable 2,4-D Turf Residues with Carpet Dust and Carpet Surface Residues

Measuring Transport of Lawn-Applied Herbicide Acids from Turf to Home: Correlation of Dislodgeable 2,4-D Turf Residues with Carpet Dust and Carpet Surface Residues


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Transport of lawn-applied herbicides into the home via walking over treated turf, defined here as track-in, was measured at five different times out to 1 week after application. Residues of turf-applied 2,4-D and dicamba were measured in carpet dust and on the carpet surface after track-in. Both carpet dust levels and carpet surface dislodgeable residue levels were highly correlated with turf dislodgeable residue levels. Turf dislodgeable residues were 0.1-0.2% of turf application levels. Transfer of herbicides from turf to carpet dust was 3% of the turf dislodgeable residues. Transfer from turf to carpet surface was 0.3% of the turf dislodgeable residues. Herbicide 2,4-D was measured in the carpet dust of suburban homes at the 0.1-5 μg/g levels that are predicted by this efficiency of mass transfer. New tools used to collect these samples included the polyurethane foam roller dislodgeable residue sampler land the high-volume solid surface sampler.
机译:在施用后的1周内,在五个不同的时间测量了草坪上除草剂通过在经过处理的草皮上的走入房屋的过程(此处定义为跟踪)。跟踪后,在地毯灰尘中和地毯表面上测量了草皮施用的2,4-D和麦草畏的残留量。地毯灰尘含量和地毯表面可去除残留物含量均与草皮可去除残留物含量高度相关。草坪可清除残留物占草坪施用量的0.1-0.2%。除草剂从草皮转移到地毯上的灰尘占草皮可移动残留物的3%。从草皮到地毯表面的转移占草皮可清除残留物的0.3%。在郊区房屋的地毯灰尘中测得的除草剂2,4-D含量为0.1-5μg/ g,这是通过这种传质效率预测的。用于收集这些样品的新工具包括聚氨酯泡沫辊可移动残留物采样器,可进入大容量固体表面采样器。



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