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Case-control study on occupational exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields and the association with acoustic neuroma


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Exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) was in 2002 classified as a possible human carcinogen, Group 2B, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer at WHO based on an increased risk for childhood leukemia. In case-control studies on brain and head tumours during 1997-2003 and 2007-2009 we assessed life-time occupations in addition to exposure to different agents. The INTEROCC ELF-EMF Job-Exposure Matrix was used for associating occupations with ELF-EMF exposure (μT) with acoustic neuroma. Cumulative exposure (μT-years), average exposure (μT) and maximum exposed job (μT) were calculated. No increased risk for acoustic neuroma was found in any category. For cumulative exposure in the highest exposure category 8.52+ μT years odds ratio (OR) = 1.2, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.8-2.0, p linear trend = 0.37 was calculated. No statistically significant risks were found in the time windows 1-14 years, and 15+ years, respectively. In conclusion occupational ELF-EMF was not associated with an increased risk for acoustic neuroma.
机译:暴露于极低频率的电磁场(ELF-EMF)于2002年被归类为可能的人类致癌物质,第2B组,由国际癌症研究机构基于童年白血病的风险增加。在1997-2003和2007-2009期间脑和头部肿瘤的病例对照研究,除了暴露于不同的药剂外,我们还评估了寿命职业。 Interocc ELF-EMF工作曝光矩阵用于将职业与声神经瘤相关联职业(μT)。计算累积暴露(μT - 年),平均曝光(μT)和最大曝光作业(μT)。在任何类别中发现了声神经瘤的风险增加。对于最高曝光中的累积曝光量8.52 +μT年的差异比(或)= 1.2,95%置信区间(CI)= 0.8-2.0,计算P线性趋势= 0.37。在Windows Windows 1-14岁及15年内,没有发现统计学意义的风险。总之,职业ELF-EMF与声神经瘤的风险增加无关。



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