首页> 外文期刊>Environmental quality management >A disclosure of social and environmental results/economy resulting from the implementation of reverse logistics and final disposal of the post-consumption product: The case of computer peripherals industry

A disclosure of social and environmental results/economy resulting from the implementation of reverse logistics and final disposal of the post-consumption product: The case of computer peripherals industry


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This research was conducted with the objective of determining and evidencing the social and environmental/economic results from the implementation of a reverse logistics program providing for the recycling, reuse, and, when necessary, final, environmentally correct disposal of post-consumption products and product wastes by a multinational manufacturer of computer peripherals with an operation based in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The reverse logistics process (logisticareversa, or, in this paper, LR) was intended to meet the objectives and principles of the regulatory framework defined in the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) in Brazil. A single case study was carried out. The results showed that after the adoption of the solid waste management policy, the study company no longer disposed of 1,413,552 kilograms (kg) of materials classified as mixed iron, polystyrene, cardboard, toner powder, and plastic in landfills. The LR process made a profit in two companies: the company surveyed made, in Brazilian reais (R), R$ 9,188,185.51, and the company contracted to carry out the process made, R$ 411,325.97. This latter profit is called by us the "social profit." The measurement of the environmental/economic, social, and financial results by internalizing the expenses of the LR program into the costs of production shows that reuse and recycling better meets the needs of society and the company than landfilling these post-consumption materials. Furthermore, the use of cost accounting allows the verification of other goals not indicated in the current model, such as the generation of employment, income, mitigation of environmental problems, and the profit earned by the company contracted to implement the LR process. We also conclude that cost accounting makes it possible to obtain necessary information for decision makers, who are seeking to neutralize environmental impacts and promote sustainable development, thus harmonizing the economic, social, and environmental aspects, to understand the impacts of the LR process.
机译:进行这项研究的目的是确定并证明实施反向物流计划所带来的社会和环境/经济结果,该计划提供回收,再利用,以及在必要时进行最终的,环境正确的消费后产品和产品的回收处理。一家跨国计算机外围设备制造商在巴西圣保罗经营业务,产生了废物。反向物流过程(logisticareversa,或本文中的LR)旨在满足巴西《国家固体废物政策》(PNRS)中定义的管理框架的目标和原则。进行了一个个案研究。结果表明,在采用固体废物管理政策后,研究公司不再在垃圾填埋场处置1,413,552千克(kg)的混合铁,聚苯乙烯,纸板,碳粉和塑料材料。 LR程序在两家公司中均获利:接受调查的公司以巴西雷亚尔(R)获利9,188,185.51雷亚尔,该公司签订合同进行该过程,获利411,325.97雷亚尔。后一种利润被我们称为“社会利润”。通过将LR计划的费用内部化为生产成本来衡量环境/经济,社会和财务结果,这表明再利用和再循环比填埋这些用后的材料更好地满足了社会和公司的需求。此外,使用成本会计可以验证当前模型中未显示的其他目标,例如,就业机会,收入,环境问题的缓解以及与执行LR程序的公司签订的合同所赚取的利润。我们还得出结论,成本核算使决策者可以获得必要的信息,他们正在寻求消除环境影响并促进可持续发展,从而协调经济,社会和环境方面,以了解LR过程的影响。



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