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Particulate Collection Potential of Trees as a Means to Improve the Air Quality in Urban Areas in India


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The particulate collection potential of tree species in a control and five experimental sites of an urban area in India were studied. Tree species selection was based on their commonness to all the sites, proximity to each location and their abundance in Indian subcontinent. A total of 45 leaf samples for all species in each site were analysed following standard protocols in three seasons (monsoon, post-monsoon and pre-monsoon) during 2015-2016. Out of the twenty one selected trees, eight were deciduous and thirteen evergreen. Particulate collection potential of deciduous trees was 22.6% more than that of evergreen trees. The leaf area showed direct relations, whereas petiole length and internodal distance showed antagonistic relations with particulate accumulation. The average particulate deposit on the leaves of trees of experimental sites (0.500 mg/cm~2) was significantly more than that of the control site (0.358 mg/cm~2). 80.95% of the species showed higher accumulation in the experimental sites against 19.04% of species in the control site. Distinct seasonality (p<0.05) was noticed in respect of both parameters. Among the trees, Butea monosperma (1.156 mg/cm~2), Tectona grandis (0.995 mg/cm~) and Diospyros melanoxyion (0.766 mg/ cm~2) had a high particulate deposit capacity with capturing efficiency of 48.44, 41.71 and 32.09%, respectively. On the basis of the study, it is advocated that tree species like B. monosperma, T. grandis and D. melanoxyion should be given top priority to function as barriers of particulate matter.
机译:研究了对照中树种的颗粒收集潜力和印度城市地区的五个实验遗址。树种选择基于它们对所有地点的常见,对每个地点的邻近以及印度次大陆的丰富。在2015-2016期间,在三季(季风,季风和季隆的季隆和季风普通季度)的标准方案中,分析了每个部位所有物种的45种叶样品。在二十一棵选定的树上,八个是落叶和十三朵常青树。落叶树的颗粒收集潜力比常绿树的含量超过22.6%。叶面积显示出直接关系,而叶柄长度和髁间距离显示出与微粒积聚的拮抗关系。实验部位树叶(0.500mg / cm〜2)的平均颗粒沉积物明显大于对照部位(0.358mg / cm〜2)。 80.95%的物种在实验遗迹中显示出较高的对照站点的19.04%的物种。对两个参数注意到不同的季节性(P <0.05)。树木中,抗核桃单镰氰(1.156mg / cm〜2),Tectona Grandis(0.995mg / cm〜)和二旋流脲氧氧氧中(0.766mg / cm〜2)具有高颗粒沉积物,捕获效率为48.44,41.71和32.09 %, 分别。在该研究的基础上,倡导诸如B. MonoSperma,T. Grandis和D. Melanoxyion等树种。应优先发挥作用作为颗粒物质的障碍。




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