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Assessment of microplastics derived from mariculture in Xiangshan Bay, China


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Mariculture activities including enclosure, raft and cage cultures employ a variety of plastic gear such as fishing nets, buoyant material and net cages. The plastic gear poses a potential source of microplastics to the coastal environment, but relevant data on the impacts of mariculture are still limited. To this end, a semi-enclosed narrow bay (i.e., Xiangshan Bay, China) with a long-term mariculture history was investigated to assess how mariculture activities affect microplastics in seawater and sediment. The results indicated that mariculture-derived microplastics accounted for approximately 55.7% and 36.8% of the microplastics in seawater and sediment, respectively. The average microplastic abundances of seawater and sediment were 8.9 +/- 4.7 (mean +/- SD, n = 18) items/m(3) seawater and 1739 +/- 2153 (n = 18) items/kg sediment, respectively. The types of mariculture-derived microplastics included polyethylene (PE) foam, PE nets, PE film, polypropylene (PP) rope, polystyrene (PS) foam and rubber. PE foam had the highest proportion (38.6%) in the seawater samples. High usage rates and the porous structure of PE foam led to the high abundance. The average microplastic sizes of seawater and sediment are 1.54 +/- 1.53 mm and 1.33 +/- 1.69 mm, respectively. The spatial variations in the abundance and size of microplastics implied that the mariculture-derived microplastics in Xiangshan Bay were transported along the Bay to the open sea. The results of this study indicate that mariculture activity can be a significant source of microplastics. Further research is required to investigate how the high microplastic abundance in mariculture zone affects marine organisms, especially cultured seafood. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:包括围网,筏和网箱养殖在内的海水养殖活动使用各种塑料渔具,例如渔网,浮力材料和网箱。塑料齿轮为沿海环境带来了潜在的微塑料来源,但有关海水养殖影响的相关数据仍然有限。为此,对具有长期海水养殖历史的半封闭式狭窄海湾(即中国象山湾)进行了调查,以评估海水养殖活动如何影响海水和沉积物中的微塑料。结果表明,海水和沉积物中,以海水养殖为基础的微塑料分别占微塑料的约55.7%和36.8%。海水和沉积物的平均微塑性丰度分别为8.9 +/- 4.7(平均+/- SD,n = 18)项目/ m(3)海水和1739 +/- 2153(n = 18)项目/ kg沉积物。海水养殖衍生的微塑料的类型包括聚乙烯(PE)泡沫,聚乙烯网,聚乙烯薄膜,聚丙烯(PP)绳,聚苯乙烯(PS)泡沫和橡胶。 PE泡沫在海水样品中的比例最高(38.6%)。高使用率和PE泡沫的多孔结构导致了高丰度。海水和沉积物的平均微塑性尺寸分别为1.54 +/- 1.53毫米和1.33 +/- 1.69毫米。微塑料的丰度和大小的空间变化表明,象山湾海产养殖的微塑料是沿着海湾运输到公海的。这项研究的结果表明,海水养殖活动可能是微塑料的重要来源。需要进一步的研究以调查海水养殖区高的微塑性丰度如何影响海洋生物,特别是养殖的海鲜。 (C)2018 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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