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Determination of beta-adrenergic receptor blocking pharmaceuticals in United States wastewater effluent


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Beta adrenergic receptor antagonists (β-Blockers) are frequently prescribed medications in the United States and have been identified in European municipal wastewater effluent, however no studies to date have investigated these compounds in United States wastewater effluent. Municipal wastewater effluent was collected from treatment facilities in Mississippi, Texas, and New York to investigate the occurrence of metoprolol, nadolol, and propranolol. Propranolol was identified in all wastewater samples analyzed (n = 34) at concentrations ≤ 1.9 μg/1. Metoprolol and nadolol were identified in ≥ 71 % of the samples with concentrations of metoprolol ≤ 1.2 μg/1 and nadolol ≤ 0.36 μg/1. Time course studies at both Mississippi plants and the Texas plant indicate that concentrations of propranolol, metoprolol, and nadolol remain relatively constant at each sampling period. This study indicates that β-Blockers are present in United States wastewater effluent in the ng/1 to μg/1 range.
机译:β肾上腺素能受体拮抗剂(β-Blockers)在美国经常开出处方药,并已在欧洲城市废水中得到鉴定,但是迄今为止,尚未有研究对美国废水中的这些化合物进行研究。从位于密西西比州,得克萨斯州和纽约的处理设施收集了市政废水,以调查美托洛尔,纳多洛尔和普萘洛尔的发生情况。在所有分析的废水样品(n = 34)中,浓度≤1.9μg/ 1均鉴定了普萘洛尔。在≥71%的样品中鉴定出美托洛尔和纳多洛尔,其中美托洛尔的浓度≤1.2μg/ 1,纳多洛尔≤0.36μg/ 1。密西西比州工厂和德克萨斯州工厂的时程研究表明,普萘洛尔,美托洛尔和纳多洛尔的浓度在每个采样周期都保持相对恒定。这项研究表明,β-阻滞剂以ng / 1至μg/ 1的范围存在于美国废水中。



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