首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Pollution >Phytoaccumulation of coplanar PCBs by Arabidopsis thaliana

Phytoaccumulation of coplanar PCBs by Arabidopsis thaliana


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The stability and hydrophobic nature of poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) make them a persistent environmental hazard; thus, the environmental pollution level of PCBs has been kept high for a long time (Ohsaki et al., 1995, 1997; Kurokawa et al., 1996; Soong et al., 1997). Among PCBs, the environmental toxicity of coplanar PCBs (Co-PCBs) is becoming more severe especially in Japan. To clean up the polluted environment, phytoremediation is expected to solve the environmental pollution problem. We have been studying the utilization of genetically engineered plants to monitor or remedy the environment polluted by harmful organic compounds, particularly by Co-PCBs (Sonoki et al., 2000, 2001). There are some reports on the metabolism of PCBs by plants; however, few reports referred to the precise analysis of Co-PCB congeners accumulated in plants (Groeger and Fletcher, 1988; Lee and Fletcher, 1992; Mackova et al., 1997; Macek et al., 2000). In this study, we investigated the accumulation of 11 congeners of Co-PCB by the plant, Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae), using high-resolution GC-MS. As a result, it was found that the accumulation rate greatly depended on the chlorination rate of Co-PCBs. Lower chlorinated Co-PCBs were accumulated much more than higher chlorinated Co-PCBs, and the non-ortho Co-PCBs were less accumulated than ortho congeners.
机译:多氯联苯(PCB)的稳定性和疏水性使它们成为持久的环境危害;因此,多氯联苯的环境污染水平长期以来一直保持较高水平(Ohsaki等,1995,1997; Kurokawa等,1996; Soong等,1997)。在多氯联苯中,共面多氯联苯(Co-PCBs)对环境的危害日益严重,尤其是在日本。为了清理污染的环境,期望通过植物修复来解决环境污染问题。我们一直在研究利用基因工程植物来监测或纠正由有害有机化合物(尤其是钴多氯联苯)污染的环境(Sonoki等,2000,2001)。关于植物体内多氯联苯代谢的报道。但是,很少有报道提到对植物中积累的多氯联苯同源物的精确分析(Groeger和Fletcher,1988; Lee和Fletcher,1992; Mackova等人,1997; Macek等人,2000)。在这项研究中,我们使用高分辨率GC-MS调查了拟南芥植物(十字花科)中11种同族多氯联苯的积累。结果发现,累积速率很大程度上取决于Co-PCBs的氯化速率。较低氯化Co-PCB的累积量远高于较高氯化Co-PCB,而非正交Co-PCB的累积量少于正交同类物。



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