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Effects of pollutants on bottom-up and top-down processes in insect-plant interactions


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Bottom-up (host plant quality) and top-down (natural enemies) forces both influence the fitness and population dynamics of herbivores. However, the impact of pollutants acting on these forces has not been examined, which prompted us to review the literature to test hypotheses regarding this area of research. A comprehensive literature search found 126 references which examined fitness components and population dynamics of 203 insect herbivores. One hundred and fifty-three of the 203 herbivores (75.4%) had fitness impacted due to bottom-up factors in polluted environments. In contrast, only 20 of the 203 (9.9%) had fitness significantly impacted due to top-down factors in polluted environments. The paucity of results for top-down factors impacting fitness does not necessarily mean that top-down factors are less important, but rather that fewer studies include natural enemies. We provide a synthesis of available data by pollution type and herbivore guild, and suggest future research to address this issue.
机译:自下而上(寄主植物的品质)和自上而下(天敌)的力量都影响草食动物的适应性和种群动态。但是,尚未研究污染物对这些作用力的影响,这促使我们回顾文献以检验有关这一研究领域的假设。全面的文献搜索找到了126个参考文献,这些参考文献检查了203种食草动物的适应性成分和种群动态。 203个草食动物中有153个(75.4%)由于自下而上的因素在污染环境中受到影响。相反,由于污染环境中的自上而下因素,203人中只有20人(9.9%)的健康状况受到了显着影响。自上而下的因素影响健身的结果很少,并不一定意味着自上而下的因素不太重要,而是更少的研究包含了天敌。我们提供了按污染类型和草食动物协会分类的可用数据的综合信息,并建议未来的研究来解决这一问题。



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