首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Pollution >The influence of nitrogen in stemflow and precipitation on epiphytic bryophytes, Isothecium myosuroides Brid., Dicranum scoparium Hewd. and Thuidium tamariscinum (Hewd.) Schimp of Atlantic oakwoods

The influence of nitrogen in stemflow and precipitation on epiphytic bryophytes, Isothecium myosuroides Brid., Dicranum scoparium Hewd. and Thuidium tamariscinum (Hewd.) Schimp of Atlantic oakwoods

机译:氮在茎流和降水中对附生苔藓植物,异肉毛等长线虫(Isothecium myosuroides Brid。),天竺葵(Dicranum scoparium Hewd)的影响。和大西洋橡树的hui柳(Thuidium tamariscinum(Hewd。)Schimp

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The spatial relationship between the concentration and deposition of the major ions in precipitation and stemflow and their influence on the tissue nitrogen concentration of three epiphytic bryophytes on Quercus petraea (Matt) Liebl. and Q. robur L. was investigated at seven UK Atlantic oak woodland sites with a range of total N deposition of 55-250 mmol m~(-2). The main driver of change in tissue N concentrations of three epiphytic bryophytes (Isothecium myosuroides Brid. (Eurhynchium myosuroides (Brid.) Schp.), Dicranum scoparium Hewd. and Thui-dium tamariscinum (Hewd.) Schimp.) was total N deposition in stemflow, dominated by ammonium deposition. The three epiphytic species also showed strong relationships between tissue N concentration and total N deposition in rainfall but a poor correlation with total N ion concentration in rainfall. This study shows that epiphytic bryophytes utilise stemflow N and thus increase their risk from inputs of total N deposition compared to terricolous species at the same site.
机译:降水和茎流中主要离子的浓度与沉积之间的空间关系及其对栎类(Matt)Liebl上三种附生苔藓植物组织氮浓度的影响。在英国的七个大西洋橡木林地上调查了Q. robur L.和Q. robur L.,总氮沉积范围为55-250 mmol m〜(-2)。三种附生苔藓植物(等长苔藓植物(Isothecium myosuroides(Brid。)Schp。),Dicranum scoparium Hewd。和T柳(Thui-dium tamariscinum(Hewd。)Schimp。)的组织N浓度变化的主要驱动因素是总N沉积。茎流,以铵盐沉积为主。这三种附生种在降雨中还显示出组织氮浓度与总氮沉积之间的强相关性,但与降雨中总氮离子浓度的相关性较弱。这项研究表明,附生苔藓植物利用茎流氮,因此与同一地点的油生物种相比,它们从总氮沉积输入中增加了风险。



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