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Atmospheric pollutants monitoring by analysis of epiphytic lichens


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The Canoparmelia texana epiphytic lichenized fungi was used to monitor atmospheric pollution in the Sao Paulo metropolitan region, SP, Brazil. The cluster analysis applied to the element concentration values confirmed the site groups of different levels of pollution due to industrial and vehicular emissions. In the distribution maps of element concentrations, higher concentrations of Ba and Mn were observed in the vicinity of industries and of a petrochemical complex. The highest concentration of Co found in lichens from the Sao Miguel Paulista site is due to the emissions from a metallurgical processing plant that produces this element. For Br and Zn, the highest concentrations could be associated both to vehicular and industrial emissions. Exploratory analyses revealed that the accumulation of toxic elements in C. texana may be of use in evaluating the human risk of cardiopulmonary mortality due to prolonged exposure to ambient levels of air pollution.
机译:Canoparmelia texana附生地衣真菌被用于监测巴西圣保罗大都市区的大气污染。应用于元素浓度值的聚类分析确认了由于工业和车辆排放而造成的不同污染水平的站点组。在元素浓度的分布图中,在工业附近和石化复合体附近观察到较高的Ba和Mn浓度。圣米格尔保利斯塔(Sao Miguel Paulista)厂地衣中发现的最高Co浓度是由于产生这种元素的冶金加工厂的排放所致。对于溴和锌,最高浓度可能与车辆排放和工业排放有关。探索性分析表明,由于长期暴露于环境空气污染水平下,德州假单胞菌中有毒元素的积累可能可用于评估人类心肺死亡的风险。



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