首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Monitoring and Assessment >Fluoride estimation and its correlation with other physicochemical parameters in drinking water of some areas of Balochistan, Pakistan

Fluoride estimation and its correlation with other physicochemical parameters in drinking water of some areas of Balochistan, Pakistan


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The fluoride level in drinking water is an important parameter and has to be controlled in order to prevent dental and skeletal fluorosis. The objective of this study is to assess fluoride content and other water quality parameters in the samples taken from open wells, tube wells, and karezes of Mastung, Mangochar, and Pringabad areas of Balochistan province. A total number of 96 drinking water samples out of 150 were found unfit for human consumption. Area-wise analysis show that the samples from 39 sites from Mastung, 12 from Mangochar, and 13 from Pringabad were found in the risk of dental fluorosis of mild to severe nature. However, 12 sampling sites from Mastung, 8 from Mangochar, and 2 from Pringabad were identified as the risks of mottling and skeletal fluorosis or other bone abnormalities. The highest concentration of F-has been observed as 14 mg L-1 in Mastung. Correlation analysis show that fluoride solubility in drinking water is pH dependent; and the salts of Ca2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, and SO42- contribute to attain the favorable pH for dissolution of fluoride compounds in drinking water. Principal component analysis shows that the geochemical composition of the rocks is only responsible for groundwater contamination. On the basis of the results, defloridation of the identified sampling sites and continuous monitoring of drinking water at regular basis is recommended at government level to avoid further fluorosis risks.
机译:饮用水中的氟化物含量是一个重要的参数,必须加以控制,以防止牙齿和骨骼氟中毒。这项研究的目的是评估从Bal路支省的Mastung,Mangochar和Pringabad地区的裸眼井,管井和喀尔喀兹采集的样品中的氟化物含量和其他水质参数。在150个样本中,共有96个饮用水样本被发现不适合人类食用。区域分析表明,从Mastung的39个地点,Mangochar的12个地点和Pringabad的13个地点的样本中发现了轻度至重度牙齿氟中毒的风险。但是,从马斯特(Mastung)的12个采样点,曼戈查(Mangochar)的8个采样点和普林加巴德(Pringabad)的2个采样点被确定为容易出现斑驳和骨骼氟中毒或其他骨骼异常的风险。在Mastung中观察到F-的最高浓度为14 mg L-1。相关分析表明,氟化物在饮用水中的溶解度与pH有关。 Ca2 +,Na +,K +,Cl-和SO42-的盐有助于获得良好的pH,从而使氟化物溶解在饮用水中。主成分分析表明,岩石的地球化学成分仅是造成地下水污染的原因。根据结果​​,建议在政府一级对确定的采样点进行除花并定期进行饮用水的连续监测,以避免进一步的氟中毒风险。



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