首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Monitoring and Assessment >Soil organic carbon accumulation and several physicochemical soil properties under stone pine and maritime pine plantations in coastal dune, Durusu-Istanbul

Soil organic carbon accumulation and several physicochemical soil properties under stone pine and maritime pine plantations in coastal dune, Durusu-Istanbul


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The study was conducted in dune restoration sites introduced with maritime pine (MP, Pinus pinaster Aiton) and stone pine (SP, Pinus pinea L.) at different development stages (diameters at breast height (DBH) in which small-diameter forests (SDF)=0-8cm, medium-diameter forests (MDF)=8-20cm, large-diameter forests (LDF)=20-36cm, and upper large-diameter forests (UDF) =36cm). There were 15 replicated plots in each stage of both species and 25 dune sites; thus, a total of 145 sample plots were selected. Soil samples were taken from six different depth layers (0-5, 5-15, 15-30, 30-50, 50-70, and 70-100cm). Forest floors were sampled with five replicates in each plot, and they were separated into leaf + fermentation and humus layers to determine unit mass and carbon concentration. Forest floor mass is significantly increased (17-34t/ha in MP and 28-57t/ha in SP) with the development stage. Low organic carbon (0.09-0.36% in MP and 0.13-0.84% in SP) was found in the top soil layer despite a significant accumulation of forest floor. The soil organic carbon density varies between 3 and 34t C/ha. As the stand development stage increases, clay concentrations in every depth layer increased and soil pH and calcium carbonate values tend to decrease. Results indicated that both species have capability to grow on sandy material within poor nutrient and water capacities in a 50-year restoration process. However, the accumulation of forest floor increased and organic matter storage in the topsoil (0-5cm) remained quite low due to the slow decomposition process.
机译:这项研究是在沙丘恢复地点进行的,沙丘恢复地点是在不同发育阶段(胸径直径(DBH))和小直径森林(SDF)的不同发育阶段引入的海生松树(MP,松树樟树Aiton)和石松树(SP,松树樟子松)。 )= 0-8厘米,中径林(MDF)= 8-20厘米,大径林(LDF)= 20-36厘米,上部大径林(UDF)=> 36厘米)。这两个物种每个阶段都有15个重复样地和25个沙丘位点;因此,总共选择了145个样地。从六个不同的深度层(0-5、5-15、15-30、30-50、50-70和70-100cm)采集土壤样品。在每个样地中对森林地面进行了五次重复采样,然后将它们分成叶片+发酵层和腐殖质层,以确定单位质量和碳浓度。随着开发阶段,林地质量显着增加(MP中为17-34t / ha,SP中为28-57t / ha)。尽管林地大量积聚,但在表层土壤中发现了低有机碳(MP为0.09-0.36%,SP为0.13-0.84%)。土壤有机碳密度在3至34t C / ha之间变化。随着林分发育阶段的增加,每个深层的黏土浓度都会增加,土壤的pH和碳酸钙值会降低。结果表明,在50年的恢复过程中,这两种物种都有能力在沙质材料上生长,而这些土壤的养分和水分含量都很差。然而,由于分解过程缓慢,林地积累增加,表土(0-5cm)中的有机质存储量仍然很低。



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