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Suitability of open-access elevation models for micro-scale watershed planning


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Watershed planning is a major issue in Turkey and other parts of the world. Surrounded by seawater on almost three-quarters of its international borders and by sheer mountains along the coastal regions and throughout the country, Turkey experiences a range of climatic changes, which constantly shape its topography. Recently, the occurrences of floods, landslides, and torrents have increased, forcing decision-makers to come up with solutions to manage and rehabilitate the upper watersheds in order to stop or limit the impact of disasters on downstream areas. Possible solutions should reduce flow coefficients, erosion, and sedimentation and increase reservoir capacities. It is expected that torrent volumes will decrease, drainage regimes on slopes will be better organized and adjusted, thawing snow will be better deposited and delayed, evapotranspiration will increase, surface runoffs will be delayed, and water regimes will be better managed, meaning that flood and torrent control will be achieved. For the reasons mentioned above, watershed parameters need to be firmly set. In the scope of this study, the elevation, slope acreage, and reservoir capacity of a small watershed, as extracted from open-access elevation models, were compared to a real-time kinematic (RTK) global positioning system (GPS)-generated point cloud and the resulting elevation model through various geospatial and analytical means. The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) C-band digital elevation model (DEM) (version 3) proved to be a satisfactory method in making residual, correlation, mean, and reservoir capacity comparisons. An L-band Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) phased-array-type synthetic aperture radar (PALSAR) and an X-band DLR_SRTM ASTER were slightly superior methods in terms of defining a greater number of slope categories than the other models. Finally, DLR_SRTM and SRTMv3 could match a greater number of slope fa double dagger ades than the other models. Seventeen years after its acquisition, SRTM and its derivatives have continued leading the topographic definition of the Earth.
机译:分水岭规划是土耳其和世界其他地区的主要问题。土耳其在其近四分之三的国际边界上被海水所包围,在沿海地区和全国各地都被陡峭的山脉所环绕,土耳其经历了一系列气候变化,不断地改变了其地形。最近,洪水,山体滑坡和山洪的发生增加了,迫使决策者提出解决方案来管理和修复上游流域,以制止或限制灾害对下游地区的影响。可能的解决方案应减少流量系数,侵蚀和沉积并增加储层容量。预计洪流量将减少,斜坡的排水方式将得到更好的组织和调整,融雪将得到更好的沉积和延迟,蒸散量将增加,地表径流将被延迟,水情将得到更好的管理,这意味着洪水和洪流控制将实现。由于上述原因,需要牢牢设置分水岭参数。在本研究的范围内,将从开放式高程模型中提取的小流域的高程,坡度面积和水库容量与实时运动学(RTK)全球定位系统(GPS)生成的点进行比较云,并通过各种地理空间和分析手段生成高程模型。航天飞机雷达地形任务(SRTM)C波段数字高程模型(DEM)(版本3)被证明是进行残差,相关性,均值和储层容量比较的令人满意的方法。 L波段高级陆地观测卫星(ALOS)相控阵型合成孔径雷达(PALSAR)和X波段DLR_SRTM ASTER在定义比其他模型更大的坡度类别方面略胜一筹。最后,与其他模型相比,DLR_SRTM和SRTMv3可以匹配更多的双倍匕首斜率。 SRTM及其衍生产品被收购后的十七年,继续引领着地球的地形定义。



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